Brand support
Websites, social media and digital services
The University’s websites and digital services are the most important element of our communications mix. They are powerful channels for marketing our success and building the perception of our brand. To provide a cohesive University identity, all public-facing content must be visually associated with the design elements that define our online look. Learn more about our logo, fonts, colours and more on the University Brand support site.
Brand (requires EASE authentication)
Advertising help and support
Guidance and advice to help manage your advertising activities and resources for corporate campaigns.
Marketing: Advertising support (requires EASE authentication)
Marketing: External listings & profiles (requires EASE authentication)
Edinburgh Global Experience Language
Edinburgh Global Experience Language (EdGEL) is the University’s online design language. Built to be mobile-ready and responsive, its purpose is to encourage the use of a coherent design language and design patterns.
Our aim is for users to interact with our information and services, without being aware of the range of technology in the background. EdGEL is jointly managed by Communications and Marketing and the University Website Programme.
Editorial style guide
This A to Z style guide is a reference tool for University staff, external suppliers, and freelance copyeditors. It outlines the standards of English usage for all University websites and publications.